She lost 7 lbs

As I end the 30 Day Challenge I keep going back to how great I feel! I lost 7 lbs which may not be much to some but it got me down to the weight I was when I married! I eat so much better and look at food a whole different way. As a personal chef/cooking instructor food is my job. I tell everyone now how to eat better and feel terrific! This was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Is not a diet its a way of life.
The thing I love about this challenge is the amount of energy I have, and how wonderful I feel! I haven’t ever felt this good. Giving up the sugar, caffeine, and wheat products is so worth it! I will never go back to eating that way again!
My husband and I are doing the challenge together mainly he has no choice since I feed him! We are so happy with our overall health and energy level. We feel great! We will never go back to the way we ate! Its not difficult at all! I am telling all my friends who need a life change!
Janice K Laird

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