Paleo-inspired sleep program

Paleo diet followers and Paleo sleep , Paleo inspired writer by re- adjust and optimize your sleep - wake cycle sleep program your body and your mother - nature.

This is Met and my wife Katie . Yes, I see a lot of healther than I did 15 years ago.

In a nutshell, my program to teach you how to sleep like a caveman ,It received a good , solid modern means , refreshing night 's sleep every night.

Whether you are a couple from a week of bitter sleep well at night , you re an experienced insomnia like me , or you just want to optimize your sleep to improve your health , increase energy levels , reduce probability of disease, hike productivity levels and longer life, generally feel happier, more alive , I will work wonders for you with my program.

But just in case you've landed on this page thinking, "Well, what is a little lost sleep ? "I want you to know , to create a sleep debt poses serious health risks.

Consider how important diet is to repair the body , resist disease, prevent fatigue and promote longevity. These are just some of you in the first place to the Paleo right , why not ?

Well, there are just as many deductions sleep serious health eat a diet laden with meaning for the processing of sugar , dairy products and gluten. Here are a few of them:

Risk 1 : derogatory cardiovascular health

Lack of sleep has led to high blood pressure, increased pressure hormone levels and cardiac arrhythmia.

Risk 2: decreased immunity

Lack of sleep can alter the body's immune function , including activities that defeat the immune system, which means that your killer cells easier sick serious diseases.

Risk 3: Weight gain

Lack of sleep can affect the body's way of storing and generating carbohydrates. This changes regulating hormone activity
appetite, lead us to crave more food.

Risk 4:I ncreased accident risk

Those with sleep debt is 10 times more likely to have an automatic
collectively accidents and other accidents. You are also more likely
mistakes at work, if you are one of these could be very serious doctors, pilots or machine operator .

Risk 5 : increased risk of depression

Lack of sleep can affect mood. It makes us irritable and impatient ,damage concentration and focus . As in this region , so that we unhappy, demoralized affect our relations, work performance , exercise and eating habits. Maintain such a long  and depression can set , resulting in another problem to deal with.

Yes, sleep is vital to our health , and did not get enough of it is a very serious health risks.

Believe me, I discovered the hard way ...

I hit a wall in my insomnia teens . I went through some stressful time , what with my parents broke up, stress research and loss of close friends . In my twenties I was a walking zombies, this is not true, I'm helping late to support my learning . This exacerbated existing sleep debt I've set up, and by the time I took the pills , I was in the doorway mental and physical exhaustion .

Honestly, I thought I was going to die .

In fact, I began to question the point of what a person can live sleepless .

I was out of breath , constantly tired , weight gain , pale, after suffering from a cold cold . Pills not put me to sleep , but as soon as I came to them, I went to the right back to my old sleep habits - a few hours of sleep , if that. I have been completely lost , my body does not know when to sleep, only sleep medicine. I was getting weaker , sicker .I do not pass the university lost my girlfriend and depression . I feel likec crap , looks like crap .

I have to organize their own lack of sleep before completely ruined my life. So I take the stand. I figured, I do not sleep , why notu use this time to try to climb out of this ditch . To cut a long story short , I put the pills away, and went to the local libraries.

I started learning to use those sleepless nights . I sleep through research age . I started comparing people lived in a million years ago the way of life today .

I found that incredible .

Sleep problems , because we know that they are today , began to emerge about 200-300 years ago , when people began almost cohabitation and ate significantly different ways in the way his body accustomed to .

When the electricity came things got a whole lot worse ,because men began to sleep more than an hour . When agricultural revolution is full of pace , change of food , work and modern It started life seriously mess with our sleep.So here we have Americans today , with 13 suffering some degree of insomnia and sleeping 1 to 10.

In the end is what ? THIS IS crazy !

It really is. I mean, how could such a thing have become so natural


Sleep is a natural diet - but just as important to our health -But we ignore sleep badly, we have to get sick. Prompted me to sell my learning to take drastic action . I started A-B testing my sleep , test what effect a particular aspect of life on my sleep . My research found that the six areas of focus affect my sleep - wake cycle , causing insomnia , and quite simply put, by improving my lifestyle , the six core areas and environment, I can cure insomnia myself once all .

I also found some incredible Powerful ...

In my research , I learned about the brain waves and how important the brain's electrical current is dormant process.

Brain waves must slow down in order to prepare to go to the brain sleep, because our anti- sleep lifestyle , including , but artificial light , diet stimulants and numerous brain stimulation digital devices , the real struggle of the brain to calm down into the low brain activity .

This is basically the primary cause of a bad night 's sleep - there overactive brain at bedtime.

To help slow down my brain waves , I started using special audio recording called binaural beats . This is basically an advanced it uses a " frequency response " to the process called meditation musicmove the brain into different states.

I first started recording and Theta frequencies which test produce a state of deep relaxation , and then use the triangle recording, deep copy of which occurred in the production of delta waves sleep.

The result is amazing !

By combining with the brain to sleep my six-step approach entrainment meditation, I not only began to fall asleep faster , sleep deeper, but I think a greater psychological balance , less stressed , more efficient and more focused.

Needless to say, I was very happy . I feel normal. And after totally get a solid three months to sleep under my belt , my health restore itself.

I also have another girlfriend ( we are now married ) , who, by the way, crossFit is crazy , let me commit responsible for the final 100% of the Paleo diet , for which I will be forever grateful !

Nothing makes me more than to help others who want more fun improve their sleep , I want to offer you the same opportunity.

The fact is , no matter how committed are you to the Paleo diet , if
you are not sleeping like we hunter-gatherer ancestors , then you ignore your health and the benefits of the food missed.

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