You can have a better life ...Paleo way of life

How long have you really feel healthy? I mean all the way to your 
heart ...... a few months ? Years ? Decades ?

When are you really excited to start the day last ?

That your body ...... pain and suffering ? Would not it be nice to really feel alive yet ?

You bet it will , and I'm here to tell you that you just put your first step on magical journey.

I'm going out on a limb here to do a pretty big assumption ...... I bet you 've tried more diet and exercise plans popped enough " magic pill " ( may be sufficient to start own pharmacy ) , and you think you'll turn pink , so many "healthy milkshake " ...

I'm not just talking about weight loss either ... that is bugging you the rest of your illness ? I bet you want to delete them like a bad habit , is not it?

It may surprise you ......

It's not your fault ......

Dieting is not the answer ...... your diet out of the question !

I'm not talking about fast food and the like, you already know that these are bad for you ...

I said that many so-called "health food" that you have been taught to eat, and "unhealthy " foods , you have been avoiding.

You see, I am a very avid " health nut" Most of my adult life ...... holding me captive in seeking to get rid of those symptoms of asthma .

I even went completely vegetarian / vegan for five years , but until I used I want to share with you , and I finally found relief.

You must try to feed yourself back to health ...

In 2005, I heard what he called " a priori " diet ...... ( I prefer to call 
it the Paleo diet ) , a famous scientist talkr really, it's just eat what our hunter-gatherer ancestors .

I spent years reading, listening and studying Paleo diet before I was finally convinced that I gradually ease my way into a strict Paleo diet .

From the Paleo to eat, you eat with your genetic makeup sync , when you give your body needs ( and can handle ) of fuel , it allows you to get back good health. ( Simple, right ? )

Let's talk about success stories...

March 11, 2011 was an extraordinary day. On this day, my baby ...... my cute little girl ( now grown up ) , is about to get married. ( It still brings tears of joy to my eyes just thinking about it )

About the wedding Interestingly, they bring families from far and wide in the happy couple 's happy to share. Of course my brother and sister were there to share their congratulations.

My two brothers and my sister were overweight , they started to ask me how to dump those extra pounds is recommended . I quickly explained the Paleo way of life will make them eat the food , they are very happy , but if they did , their bodies will have proper nutrition to treat yourself ...... and weight , and it almost needs take care of itself.

You know , this is my child's wedding day , so we did not have time to go into a ton of detail ...... Luckily, I was able to put them both in a book I read called " Paleo program " by Wolf by the Robert. ( Rob is a special writer , he explained a very simple way of Paleo science behind the diet , and why it has so many health benefits , I can not recommend it highly enough .)

About 45 days later, I received a phone call from my sister ...... she would consider my suggestion , buy the book , and just completed 
her first 30 days of the Paleo way of life ... 

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